Warmachine/Hordes Mk2 Homebrew Models
A collection of homebrew model concepts from nearly every faction of Warmachine and Hordes, plus a couple entire army concepts taken from forces of the setting not part of the tabletop game by the end of Mk2. The rules for these models are based around perceived standards for Mk2 models, such as re-using as many spells as possible, limiting cards to 7 or less special rules (i.e. not icons that can be on the front of the card), adding abilities to even out model cost, and not creating new abilities unless it is truly necessary. With the April 11, 2016 announcement of a new edition of Warmachine & Hordes, I felt that it was time to stop editing these concepts in their current form. As such, some of these concepts are works in progress which I will likely revise around Mk3 rules, but will not continue to refine in this current form. (Note that some of these concepts were developed prior to models existing around the same idea, such as a Farrow Bone Grinder Warlock before the one below. Since these ideas were developed independent of Privateer Press, overlap with model concepts is merely that the setting craved such a character, and both myself and PP had similar ideas of what such a character would be.)

  • Giants of Bemoth (a starting attempt to envision what an army of huge-based Giants would be)
  • IDEAS (abilities that I felt needed more presence on models because they were cool and under-represented)

Transformers RPG

Transformers Tech Specs

Transformers d20 (outline)

Star Wars

d20 Super (Blood & Vigilance)

Dungeons & Dragons